With the installation, web surfing and use of this application (called “Origin Declaration” or “the application”) the User accepts to respect the following terms and conditions. We kindly ask you to read them carefully before giving your approval. If you do not accept any part of the present terms and conditions, we will kindly ask you to avoid to use the present application.
LIMEN SRL could modify the present terms and conditions therefore the User shall examine them regularly. The use of this application has to be considered as an implicit acceptance of the terms and conditions in force.
Any kind of personal information transmitted to us during the use of this application will be used in accordance with law n. 196/2003 (law regarding the privacy aspects).
All materials published on the application will be protected by the intellectual property rights in accordance with the copyright law. This application contains materials of our property. The application could not, nor in any way, neither in any form, be considered as a legal source.
The access to the application will not guarantee to the User the right to reproduce the information contained, nor to modify, distribute, republish the information, in any way, without the LIMEN SRL written authorization.
The content of the application has to be intended known and accepted by any User starting from the moment the User could access to the same application: nevertheless, LIMEN SRL could modify and/or update, totally or in part, the content in any way or for whatever reason.
The User will recognize that the use of the services at disposal of the User will be done at its own responsibility and at its own risk.
The services offered by LIMEN SRL could be used only for commercial scope provided that the legal sources are indicated.
The information application called “Origin Declaration” is a fundamental instrument to search custom and technical information and it has been created only and esclusively by LIMEN SRL and it does not substitute, in any way, the information and official indications supplied by the European Institutions, by the Custom Agency and by the World Custom Organization or by any other body or official institution that will take responsibility for the custom themes and matters.
The IT application will supply information with regard to the matter of the origin nevetheless the application will not give any kind of information about the preferential origin.
LIMEN SRL will dismiss, furthermore, any responsibilities with regard to the conduct of the User, both online and offline, and with regard to the web surfing of the User and LIMEN SRL will dismiss any kind of responsibilities in relation to any kind of mistakes, omissions, delete of datas, defects, operational delate or transmission mistakes, broke of communication lines, not authorized acces or modification of any data or communication.
LIMEN SRL shall not be considered responsible of any eventual damage or modification made to the device of the User, included but not limited to the computer, the palm-sized device or mobile phone following the installation and the use of the application.
In any case LIMEN SRL will be considered responsible for any eventual lack of availability of the application or for any kind of difficulties or inability to download or access to the content or for any other kind of broken of the communication system that could not result in the availability of the application.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, LIMEN SRL will not recognize any kind of warranty in relation to the application. The application is guaranteed “as it is” and “as available” without any kind of warranties.
All the law matters deriving from the use of the application shall be interpreted and determined in accordance with the Italian law.
With the use of the application, the User accepts, as official and competent Court, the Court of Bologna in case of any eventual claims or lawsuit deriving from the use of the application. Using the application, the User accepts the Court of Bologna as exclusive competent Court for any eventual claim or lawsuit deriving from the use of the application. The User accepts to be exposed to the jurisdiction of the Court of Bologna for any action or procedure and give up permanently - to the maximum extend permitted by law - to the right to raise any kind of objections, now or in the future, with regard to the offices where these actions or procedures will take place.
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This information about the use of cookies on the site is managed and operated by www.origindeclaration.com Limen srl, headquartered “Via Rolandino 6, 40100 Bologna BO” PI 03444431203. Considering the objective complexity of the identification of technologies based on Cookies and their closely integration with the operation of the web, the user is encouraged to contact the owner if he wish to receive any further information on the use of cookies and other use of the same - for example, by a third party - made through this site.
Last update: 18/05/2015